Tony Gonzalez’ Near-Vegan Diet

Here’s a USA Today article all about future NFL Hall of Famer Tony Gonzalez. After sitting next to a vegan on a plane (it wasn’t me), Gonzalez has adopted a primarily vegan diet with some added fish. That marks a huge break from the red meat menu of most NFL stars. T. Colin Campbell’s China […]

Julia Child on Vegetarians

That damned movie is out, that you couldn’t pay me to see. So, in celebration, here’s Julia bashing vegetarians in the most clueless way imaginable, right in the august pages of People magazine: We didn’t know many vegetarians years ago. Not eating meat became the thing to do some places in the ’60s, but the […]

Mediocre Questions vs. Great Questions

So much in life is dependent on asking great questions rather than mediocre ones. U.S. News & World Report has an article asking: “Can Red Meat Have a Place in a Healthy Diet?” That’s a totally mediocre question. A much better question to ask is: “Are you best off avoiding red meat entirely?” Why not […]