Evaluating Whole Foods Market’s Animal Welfare Rating System

Superb Chicago Tribune article on the new six-step animal welfare labeling standards pioneered by the Global Animal Partnership, which are currently being rolled out by Whole Foods Market. This program is certain to annoy vegans who feel that any sort of welfare standards legitimize the killing of animals, and make people feel better about eating […]

P. Diddy’s 15 Minutes of Veganism

Live by celebrity, die by celebrity. Yesterday, P. Diddy announced to his 3 million twitter followers that he was getting married, and had become vegan. Less than an hour later, he tweeted he was “just bullsitin.” But not in time to stop reports of his veganism from being covered online.

McDonald’s CEO Responds to “Fat Tax”

In a USA Today interview, McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner prevaricates over the push to tax fatty fast food meals: I pay attention to legislative activity around revenue generation because I think people are needy and greedy, and they want to put the onus on somebody. It could be an issue. I don’t worry about it. […]

Janet Jackson’s Vegan Favorites

Exciting stuff here: Janet Jackson spends several minutes telling Jay Leno about her favorite vegan foods. Vegan living just got another big push into the mainstream on national television. Start watching at the 1:49 mark. (Via Vegetarian Star.)